Prof. Stephan Huveneers

Council Officer – Website and Seminar Series Groups


Vascular microenvironment & Integrity Group, Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, K1-116, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


Dr. Stephan Huveneers is Associate Professor at Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam. His group investigates the role of molecular events that take place at endothelial adhesions within the context of the blood vessel wall. He completed his doctoral studies at the Netherlands Cancer Institute in 2008 and then did his postdoc at the Hubrecht Institute. In 2012, he started his research group at Sanquin Research and was recruited to the Amsterdam UMC in 2016 to embed his research group in a cardiovascular biomedical research environment.

Mission statement

Failure of the vascular endothelium to respond to forces has direct consequences for blood vessel development and barrier function and underlies stiffness-related cardiovascular disease. The Huveneers lab studies the molecular mechanisms that are responsible for endothelial mechanotransduction through changes in cellular interactions. Their studies have resulted in the identification and unraveling of novel molecular systems that control endothelial barrier function, angiogenesis and are involved in stiffness-related cardiovascular disease. The use of live fluorescence microscopy approaches is a key signature of their studies.




Twitter: @Huveneers_Lab