Meeting Awards

EVBo summer  school 2021 awards

·         Dennis Nahon, The Netherlands

Modular 3D NVU on a chip model for studying vascular dementia

·         Lanette Kempers, The Netherlands

Endothelial Rho-GEF Trio is essential for junctional stability and angiogenesis by reorganizing the actin cytoskeleton via RhoG and Rac1

·         Maria Kyriaki Drekolia, Germany

Cysteinolysis, a chromatin regulator of endothelial proliferation

·         Mariana Shumliakivska, Germany

SARS-Cov-2 infection of endothelium from different vascular beds

·         Rory Long, Spain

3D in vitro microfluidics model to study the impact of endothelial protein C receptor binding P falciparum-infected red blood cells on vessel barrier breakdown

Third Joint vascular biology meeting 3-5 November 2021, Gottingen, DE

·         Margo Daems, BE

·         Nadine Bauer, DE

·         Thijs Sluiter, NL

·         Johannes Gahn, DE

·         Lasti Erfinanda Fuaadi, DE

EVBo awards summer school 2022

·         Anita Tamiato

Germany, Frankfurt am Main

·         LI HONGYU


·         Lindsay Bischoff

New York, NY USA

·         Bianca Suur, Stockholm, Sweden