Our Mission

The European Vascular Biology Organisation was founded in Hamburg in September 2005, originating from an EU-funded European Vascular Genomics Network. Efforts were made to contact all major European labs with an interest in vascular biology to engage in the new society. A constitution for EVBO was drafted, the first council was assembled and a website was created. Andrew Newby was elected the first president (serving from 2006-2011), Jeremy Pearson served as the Secretary and Johannes Waltenberg the Treasurer. Since Johannes Waltenberger’s home institution at that time was Univ of Maastricht, EVBO was registered in the Netherlands. During the services of the succeeding presidents Ingrid Fleming (2011-2013), Józef Dulak (2013-2017) and Yvonne Alexander (2017-2019), EVBOs main mission gradually developed to its current focus on highlighting excellent vascular biology, networking opportunities and exposure, especially for newly established investigators.

EVBO’s mission is to provide visibility and networking opportunities for vascular biologists in order to promote a vibrant and diverse community, striving to make fundamental discoveries for the benefit of the society. In particular, EVBO aims to support early career researchers to reach their full potential. 

To serve the wide community of researchers, EVBO offers exclusive seminar series, training and networking opportunities, workshops, travel grants, job offers, young investigator spotlights, publication highlights, among many other activities.