
Nominations for election to the EVBO Council is now open !

The EVBO Council has decided to call for nominations for 7 seats on the Council. You can nominate yourself, another member, or a vascular biologist who wishes to become a member. Click here for more details to download the nomination form. Nominations can be submitted until March 31, 2022.

EVBO Seminar Series

Moderation by Paola Campagnolo, University of Surrey, UK Short talk Barbara Garmy-Susini, Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases, France ‘Inflammation resolution in lymphedema’ Young Investigator Spotlight (YIS) Kari Vaahtomeri, University of Helsinki, Finland ‘Lymphatic endothelial guidance of dendritic cell approach and entry into the lymphatic capillaries’ Plenary lecture Didier Stainier, Max Planck Institute for Heart […]

EVBO Seminar

Wednesday 2nd May 2022, 15:00-16:00 European Winter Time

EVBO Summer School 13-15th June 2022

Cutting-edge know-how and networking for a successful PhD and beyond! Aim: to provide postgraduate students an opportunity to learn about key questions and cutting-edge methodologies in vascular biology, to discuss among peers and with experts in the field, to train in the presentation and discussion of data. Eligibility: Postgraduate students. No limit in number of […]