
EVBO Seminar Series

ZOOM meeting

EVBO Seminar Series Tuesday, 31st October 2023 15:00-16:00 Central European Time (GMT+01:00)   Short talk Jaime Millan, Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, Spain ‘Harnessing endothelial RHO GTPase activity to reinforce the vasculature during systemic inflammation’   Young Investigator Spotlight (YIS) Laura de Rooij, CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine, Austria ‘Endothelial heterogeneity in health […]

EVBO Seminar Series

ZOOM meeting

EVBO Seminar Series Tuesday, 14th November 2023 15:00-16:00 Central European Time (GMT+01:00)   Short talk Riikka Kivelä, University of Jyväskylä and Wihuri Research Institute, Finland ‘Counteracting skeletal muscle wasting and cardiac atrophy with angiogenic gene therapy’   Young Investigator Spotlight (YIS) Diana Passaro, Institut Cochin Paris, France ‘Vascular integration in tissue bioengineering to model the […]

EVBO Seminar Series

ZOOM meeting

EVBO Seminar Series Tuesday, 28th November 2023 16:00-17:00 Central European Time (GMT+01:00)   Short talk Maria Ulvmar, Uppsala University, Sweden ‘The lymph node vasculature in cancer and aging’   Young Investigator Spotlight (YIS) Chi-Chung Wu, European Center for Angioscience,  University of Heidelberg, Germany ‘Regulatory mechanisms of cardiomyocyte polyploidization’   Plenary lecture Tom Quartermous, Stanford University, […]

EVBO Seminar Series

ZOOM meeting

EVBO Seminar Series Tuesday, 12th December 2023 15:00-16:00 Central European Time (GMT+01:00)   Short talk Daniela Carnevale, "Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy ‘Neural circuits regulating immune responses involved in cardiovascular pathology’   Young Investigator Spotlight (YIS) Marten Hoeksema, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands ‘Fine-tuning the macrophage’s inflammatory potential’   Plenary lecture Ellie Tzima, University of […]

EVBO Seminar Series

ZOOM meeting

EVBO Seminar Series Tuesday, 16th January 2024 15:00-16:00 Central European Time (GMT+01:00)   Short talk Ruben Marin, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine Research Centre, Canada 'Endothelial regulation of cardiac regeneration'   Young Investigator Spotlight (YIS) Macarena Fernandez-Chacon, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Spain 'Incongruence between transcriptional and vascular pathophysiological cell states'   Plenary lecture […]

EVBO Seminar Series

ZOOM meeting

EVBO Seminar Series Tuesday, 30th January 2024 15:00-16:00 Central European Time (GMT+01:00)   Short talk Lars Holmgren, Karolinska, Sweden 'Endothelial Junctional Mechanotransduction in Aortic Aneurysm Formation'   Young Investigator Spotlight (YIS) Thomas Juan, Max Planck Institute For Heart and Lung Research, Germany 'Blood flow mechanosensation during cardiac valve development'   Plenary lecture Friedemann Kiefer, European […]

EVBO Seminar Series

ZOOM meeting

EVBO Seminar Series Tuesday, 13th February 2024 15:00-16:00 Central European Time (GMT+01:00)   Short talk Holger Winkels, University of Cologne, Germany ‘The role of the olfactory receptor 2 in aortic disease’   Young Investigator Spotlight (YIS) Redouane Aherrahrou, University of Lubeck, Germany ‘Secreted protein profiling of human aortic smooth muscle cells identifies vascular disease associations’ […]

EVBO Seminar Series

ZOOM meeting

EVBO Seminar Series Tuesday, 27th February 2024 15:00-16:00 Central European Time (GMT+01:00)   Short talk Bilal Sheikh, Helmholtz München, Germany ‘Impact of obesity on blood vessels’   Young Investigator Spotlight (YIS) Claire Leclech, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, FR ‘Influence of substrate topography on vascular endothelial cells’   Plenary lecture Andrea Banfi, University of Basel, Switzerland ‘Coupling […]

EVBO Seminar Series

ZOOM meeting

EVBO Seminar Series Tuesday, 12th March 2024 15:00-16:00 Central European Time (GMT+01:00)   Short talk Ruben Bierings, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, NL ‘Exocytosis of Weibel-Palade bodies: how to unpack a vascular emergency kit’   Young Investigator Spotlight (YIS) Maria Kotini, Biozentrum, Basel, Switzerland ‘TBD’   Plenary lecture Reinier Boon, Goethe University in Frankfurt / Amsterdam UMC, […]

EVBO Seminar Series

ZOOM meeting

EVBO Seminar Series Tuesday, 26th March 2024 15:00-16:00 Central European Time (GMT+01:00)   Research Spotlight Pieterjan Dierickx, Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, at Bad Nauheim, Germany. 'Circadian rhythms in cardiac metabolism and aging'   Plenary lecture Cecilia Sahlgren, Äbo Akademi University, Finland 'Notch ligands as mechanosensors in the vasculature'   Moderation by […]

EVBO Seminar Series

ZOOM meeting

EVBO Seminar Series Tuesday, 7th May 2024 15:00-16:00 Central European Time (GMT+01:00)   Research Spotlight Sikander Hayat, Translational Data Science group, Medicine Clinic II, Uniklinik Aachen, Germany ‘Spatial atlas of Human atherosclerosis for data-driven drug target discovery’   Plenary lecture Danilo Giuseppe Norata, University of Milan, Italy. ‘Mitochondrial plasticity in the context of cardiovascular and […]

EVBO Seminar Series

ZOOM meeting

EVBO Seminar Series Tuesday, 21st May 2024 15:00-16:00 Central European Time (GMT+01:00)   Research Spotlight Serena Zacchigna, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Trieste, Italy ‘Cardiac revascularization: why the struggle?’   Plenary lecture Stefanie Dimmeler, Institute of Cardiovascular Regeneration, Frankfurt, Germany ‘The vascular niche in cardiac’   Moderation by Rui Benedito, CNIC, Madrid, […]