Website Karolinska Institute
Medical University
Join us at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, to unravel signalling dynamics that potentially defines specific endothelial cell behaviours, underlying vascular pattering and malformation. The study includes aspects of fluid-shear forces, inflammation and ligand-mediated responses in human genetic disease and genetic mouse models thereof. Consequences of vascular pathology for neuronal function will be investigated. For an overview of lab activities and publications, visit the website: ( The lab environment offers full access to state-of-the-art technologies, including 2p microscopy for intravital imaging.
We seek a motivated, creative, and scientifically curious team player with a keen eye for biological intricacies. The candidate must hold, or soon obtain, a doctorate in molecular/developmental biology acquired within the last two years, outside of Sweden.
For further details and to apply, please follow the link below, or contact
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