Council Officer – Social Media, Conference Support & Summer School Groups

Centre for Molecular and Vascular Biology, Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium.
Department of Cardiology, Maastricht University, CARIM School for Cardiovascular Diseases, Netherlands.
Elizabeth (Liz) Jones is a professor in the department of Cardiovascular Sciences at the KU Leuven. She completed her doctoral work under the supervision of Scott Fraser at the California Institute of Technology. She then moved to Paris, at the College de France, to perform her post-doctoral work under the supervision of Anne Eichmann. She then established her first research group at McGill University, in the department of Chemical Engineering, focused on embryonic biomechanics. In January 2014, she moved her research group to the KU Leuven to focus more broadly on vascular biology and cardiovascular function.
Mission statement
The Jones group is interested in the process of network remodelling, both in response to fluid dynamic factors as well as to disease conditions. They study mechanotransduction and the role of physical forces in sprouting/regression and in arteriovenous differentiation. They study how metabolic co-morbidities, such as hypertension and obesity, can induce a pathological remodelling of the vasculature.
Twitter: @JonesLab_KUL