Karina Yaniv gets the EVBO Lecture Award 2024.
Born in Cordoba, Argentina, Prof. Karina Yaniv immigrated to Israel in 1989. She enrolled in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, earning a BSc in chemistry and biology (1994) and an MSc in biological chemistry. She completed her PhD in developmental biology at the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical School in 2004. She conducted postdoctoral research at the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland. She joined the Weizmann Institute of Science in 2009.
With a strong passion for vascular biology, Karina Yaniv’s career has been dedicated to deciphering the mechanisms controlling blood and lymphatic vessel formation during embryonic development and the role of the vasculature in organ growth and regeneration.
Her discoveries have greatly contributed to the understanding of the origins and differentiation of lymphatic endothelial cells, the link between lipoproteins and angiogenesis, and the role of the vascular system during tissue regeneration.
Karina Yaniv has published more than 40 papers and reviews, has been invited to speak at over 100 international meetings, has organized over 15 national and international meetings, and has mentored over 30 students and postdocs, many of whom have gone on to thrive in academia and industry.
Among her academic and professional awards and honors are the Levinson Prize in Biology (2017), the Wendy Chaite Leadership Award by the Lymphatic Education and Research Network (2016), ERC-StG (2013), ERC-CoG (2018), the Israel Cancer Research Foundation Career Development Award (2012), the Werner-Risau-Prize for outstanding research in vascular biology (2007), an EMBO postdoctoral fellowship (2005-2007), a Susan G. Komen Young Investigator Scholarship from the Lymphatic Research Foundation (2006), and a Golda Meir Foundation prize for excellence (2003).
Prof. Yaniv is the Head of the Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky Center (Weizmann Institute of Science), which supports MSc students with financial hardships, and serves as coordinator of joint international schools at the Feinberg Graduate School of the Weizmann Institute. In addition, she is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of several institutions across Europe and served on the Board of Directors of the International Zebrafish Society. Prof. Yaniv is actively involved in promoting women in STEM and advocates for gender equality in science.
Prof. Karina Yaniv will give her Lecture at the “EVBO sponsored session” at the IVBM on Friday July 5th at 16:10 (https://www.ivbm2024.com/program-friday/).